Epoxy Drawer Slide
The epoxy drawer slide, also known as Eurodrawer slide, is an economical roller-styleslide that is very commonly seen on cabinet drawers. This self-closing cabinet slide is typically separatedinto two parts, the cabinet-mount member and the drawer-mount member, meaningone part of the slide (also known as cabinet runner) mounts on the cabinet andthe other part mounts on the drawer (a.k.a. drawer runner). Roller wheels comewith noise-reducing features to ensure a smooth, quiet run.
Title | Epoxy Drawer Slide | Roller Style Drawer Slide | DRM |
Keywords: epoxy drawer slide, Euro drawer slide, roller style drawer slide, epoxy-coated drawer slide, self-closing slide | |
Description | Dongrong epoxy drawer slide is a roller-style slide with POM roller wheels for a smooth, quiet run. |