Kiln Body Parts

Kiln Body Parts
Kiln Body Parts
Kiln Body Parts
Kiln Body Parts
Kiln Body Parts
Kiln Body Parts
Kiln Body Parts
Kiln Body Parts
Kiln Body Parts
Kiln Body Parts
Kiln Body Parts
Kiln Body Parts
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    Kiln Body
    The body of featured roller kiln is a carbon steel framework made of square tubes. Different square tubes are welded together using specialized tools and dies for robust, rigid construction and maximum dimensional accuracy. A welded design facilitates transfer over long distance and field installation.

    The most suitable refractory insulation grade should be chosen based on the temperature level required in different segments of the roller kiln. The bottom, top, and side walls of the kiln body are specially engineered to meet insulation and strength requirements.

    Kiln Framework
    Each segment of the roller kiln uses a carbon steel framework to support the internal insulating liners. The framework is covered with steel plates on the outside for maximum protection and ease of repair and inspection. Every section has 8 steel rollers in it. Inside the firing section (firing zone), there is a fixed point meaning that when the diameter of the roller increases due to thermal expansions during firing, the rollers will changes their positions slightly from that point.

    Roller Kiln Insulations
    1. Reduced insulating wall thickness requires narrower framework width and shorter roller length. This means lighter loads at the bottom of the roller kiln, so the kiln body does not sink easily as is often the case with a thick insulation wall.
    2. The top of our roller kiln is made using patented technologies. An arched top saves energy, is air-tight and ensures the chamber is heated evenly, resulting in minimized color variation and high quality ceramics.
    3. Different segments are made of different grades of insulating ceramic fibers that could absorb excessive stress upon turning on and off the burners.
    4. Inspection holes are cut in the sidewalls allowing workers to check flame and fired products. Access gates are located below the rollers to facilitate inspection and passage cleaning.
    5. Both ends of the roller need to insert into holes of the brick wall. Bricks with holes that contact the rotary end of the roller need to be replaced from time to time.
    6. Adjustable baffles located at the top of the kiln's body are made of ceramic fibers in the preheating and firing zones.

    • High module preheating zone (arch roof)
    • Front end of high temperature zone (arch roof)
    • Back end of high temperature zone (arch roof)
    • Rapid cooling zone (ceiling)
    • Mild cooling zone (ceiling)
    • Direct cooling zone
    • Low module fume-extract preheating zone
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