Road Stud
As a protuberant road sign, our road stud is installedon the road to remind drivers to drive on right lanes. It can also be used inparking lot to make the boundary of different regions clearer. Our rawmaterials include plastics, quartz sand, aluminum alloy, and glass, etc.Different materials have different compression strength. For example, aluminumalloy can endure great pressure, while glass has quite low compressionstrength. Our product is featured with excellent anti-corrosion performance andlong life span, and it is also free from rain and dust on the road.
We have also produced solar road stud charged by solar panel. The product usesLED lamp to produce light after automatic energy storage, so it has betterwarning effect, especially in the night, rainy day, and foggy day. Besides,extra electric charge can be saved, for the electric power comes from solarpower.