TM250 Telecom Modular Inverter

TM250 Telecom Modular Inverter
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TM250 Telecom Modular Inverter

TM250 Telecom ModularInverter

For TM250 telecom modular inverter,it has a lot of characteristics. Firstly, this machine meets the standards of
EMI/EMC. Secondly, N 1redundant configuration with active current sharing technology is adopted inthe design of the machine. For efficiency, the pure sine wave is created andTHD is smaller than 3%, making this machine very efficient and maximumefficiency is up to 90%. Besides that, this product has very excellent dynamicresponses and a hot plug is applied too, making operation easy and simple. Forsafety considerations, DC-AC isolation and complete protection offer high levelsystem security. For models, TM251 1KVA and TM252 1.5KVAwith size 2Ux3U are available for customers to choose.

Unique non-linear control circuit is adopted in the design of TM250 telecommodular inverter, ensuring accuracy of the currentconverter output. With reserve design, this product avoids the situation ofpower supply failure caused by power outages, loss of electricity or the qualityof power supply. With extensive applications, this product can be used intelecommunication power system and industrial power systems.

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