CH210S Medium Temperature Cement Retarder

CH210S Medium Temperature Cement Retarder
CH210S Medium Temperature Cement Retarder
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CH210S Medium Temperature Cement Retarder

CH210SMedium Temperature Cement Retarder

The CH210Smedium temperature cement retarderincludes CH210S-P high purity type and CH210S standard type, which can befurther divided into CH210S-D dry mixed type and CH210S-T dry-mixed andwater-mixed dual-purpose type. The CH210S-D is not likely to be affected withdamp and agglomeration, so it has longer shelf life compared with the other twotypes of medium temperature cement retarder. As its warranty period has barely any limitunder favorable conditions, it is strongly recommended. Our CH210S-T mediumtemperature cement retarderis composed of 70% sodium chloride (CAS No.: 7647-14-5), 20% 2-Phosphonobutane-1, 2, 4-tricarboxylic acid, and 10% NitrilotrimethyleneTriphosphonic Acid (CASNo.: 6419-19-8). Thismedium temperature cement retarderin the form of white powder is slightly pungent and completely soluble in water.When coming in 5% aqueous solution, this medium temperature cement retarder has a pH value rangingfrom 1.0 to 2.0. It also has a relative density of 1.50±0.05 and a bulk densityof 1. 30±0.10g/cm3.

The dosage of CH210S-P is generally 0.05-0.75% by weight of cement (BWOC) andthe recommend amount is 0.1% BWOC. While the CH210S-D and CH210S-T generallyadopts a dosage of 0.2-3.0% BWOC and a recommend amount of 0.5% BWOC. By theway, the CH210S-P and CH210S-T medium temperature cement retarder
is suitable for both water mixed and drymixed, while the CH210S-D is suitable for dry mixed only.

Physical and Chemical Indicators of theCH210S Medium Temperature Cement Retarder



Bulk density, g/cm3

Water solubility

CH210S-P  pure type

white powder



CH210S-T dry and water mixed dual purpose type

white powder



CH210S-D dry mixed type

Grey or faint yellow powder


partly soluble

Performance of Slurry with the CH210SMedium Temperature Cement Retarder


Technical Indicators

Initial Consistency, Bc



Thickening time, min


Transition time from 40B to 100Bc,  min


Composition: API Class GHSRcement 700g, Mixed water 308g, CH210S-P (pure type) 0.7g  or API Class GHSRcement 700g, Mixed water 308g, CH210S (standard type) 3.5g

As a specialized medium temperature cement retarder manufacturer based in China, Kelioil also produces hightemperature cement dispersant, non-phosphorus concrete washing liquid, AMPS quadripolymer cement fluid lossadditive, and more.

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