Hydroponic System

Hydroponic System
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I. What is hydroponic system
Hydroponics, also known as "Soilless Culture", is a marvellous science of growing plant without soil. This term derives from Greek, in which "hydros" and "Ponos" mean "water" and "to work", respectively.

Traditionally, crops are planted in soil. The random and uneven distribution of nutrients and water compels the crops to send forth long root to search for water and nutrients, which limits the rapid growth of the crops.

Luckily, in a hydroponic system, nutrients are evenly distributed around the roots, providing plenty of nutrients for rapid growth of the plant. Requiring less water and less space, this product is capable of helping user to control the pests and disease effectively, achieving high yield.

II. Advantage of hydroponics
1. The soilless culture facility supports planting at any places, even on the rooftop.
2. In addition to the labor cost, this product can save 85% water and 80% fertilizer cost for the users.
3. Environment friendly, the hydroponic system requires less pesticide.
4. The high production helps users achieve high yield.
5. The effective utilization of water and fertilizer reduces the waste, accordingly.
6. First class product quality, safer for use.
8. Growing condition controllable.

III. Why invest in hydroponics
Food is the necessity of life to human beings. With burgeoning growth of population, the food shortage and rising price bring god-given opportunities to wise businessman.

Investing in hydroponics is a way of maximizing income from investment, since the hydroponic system perfectly solves the problems encountered by traditional method of planting, such as bad weather, disease, land shortage, and so on. The growth rate will not be influenced by weather system, unforeseen climatic conditions and insect attack. By virtue of the controllable and automated planting environment, the vegetable growing system offers yields 1000% that of the traditional agriculture for the same land area, achieving unrivaled returns to the users.

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