2101A Brass Sledge Hammer with Plastic Handle
The 2101A brass sledge hammer is most often used to strike or peen mold and workpiece without causing them to deform. When driving iron nails into the wood or simply shaping a piece of metal, the hammer inflicts no harm on the nail or metal surface.
Available with the hammer is a durable, sturdy fiber-reinforced plastic handle that contains over 70% high-strength fibers. Relative to pure copper hammer, brass hammer is more economical thus becoming a preferred choice for Middle Eastern customers. Its hammer head has been subjected to precision forging, in order to attain such good features as high strength, long service life, and stable mechanical performance.
Model | Size lb | L mm | Weight g |
| 1 | 300 | 450 |
| 2 | 350 | 910 |
| 3 | 400 | 1400 |
| 4 | 450 | 1800 |
| 5 | 450 | 2250 |
| 6 | 700 | 2700 |
| 8 | 700 | 3600 |
| 10 | 900 | 4500 |
| 12 | 900 | 5400 |
| 14 | 900 | 6400 |
| 16 | 900 | 7200 |
| 20 | 900 | 9000 |
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Non-sparking Tool Manufacturer | High Security Installation Tool | Device in Petroleum Industry