KKA 12” electric balance bike is for kids of 2-5 years old, under 50kgs who have just begun to learn how to maintain basic balance, have little experience on a balance bike and just need a balance bike with a bit more power. Brushless motor adds additional low-end power and torque.
Ultra-Low, Adjustable Seat Height: According to the height of children of all ages, the very humanized design meets the needs of children of different heights and increases the comfort of riding.
Inspires child to ride confidently by allowing rider’s feet to be firmly planted on the ground. Also allows child to “dab” foot easily when off balance
Lightweight Magnesium alloy Frame:Ultra-light magnesium alloy material, the whole vehicle is very light and less than 7KG. This model is suitable for riding in the community or yard whenever the kids want. It is also very convenient to carry out to short trips in the park.
On the basis of the ordinary balance bike, a tiny bit more power (Motor 100w) is added, which not only meets the basic needs of children for balance skill, but also has a maximum speed of 12 kms/h, which is quite easy to grasp the safety.
In the process of learning, the kid can not only have the courage to contact the outside world, but also increase the kid's self-confidence and competitiveness.
Range: 8 kms after a full charge(with loading 30kgs)
We encourage all riders to wear proper safety gear to protect themselves. Put on your Helmets, knee & elbow pads and get ready to hit the town.