141 Non Sparking Open End Striking Wrench

141 Non Sparking Open End Striking Wrench
141 Non Sparking Open End Striking Wrench
141 Non Sparking Open End Striking Wrench
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The 141 spark-reduced open-end striking wrench is manufactured by adopting German standard DIN133 as basis for its design. The wrench is drop-forged from copper alloy to lend additional tensile strength to the structure. Non-sparking feature makes the product useful where potential fire or explosion might be present.

A hammer is usually used to strike the handle of the wrench to provide a large amount of torque that causes the hex or square head of nuts or bolts to rotate for tightening or loosening. The open end of the wrench is oriented at an angle of 15 degree relative to the line of handle. This allows easier operation. The wrench is able to withstand a long time of use while giving stable mechanical performance.

Work Principle
This series of striking wrench has an open-end gripping face of fixed size. It is able to provide enough leverage for an operator to tighten or loosen nuts or bolts with specifications between S22 and S150mm. By applying an external force to the handle, the wrench will be typically employed to loosen the rusty fasteners. The product is available in either inch or metric sizes. It also can be custom made to client-specific requirements or according to the drawings.

Model S
141-17 17 125 150 135
141-19 19 125 150 135
141-22 22 135 195 175
141-24 24 150 245 220
141-27 27 175 385 350
141-30 30 190 465 420
141-32 32 190 515 460
141-36 36 210 675 615
141-41 41 230 955 860
141-46 46 250 1225 1100
141-50 50 275 1560 1420
141-55 55 305 2025 1830
141-60 60 315 2345 2120
141-65 65 335 3060 2780
141-70 70 370 4030 3660
141-75 75 375 4660 4030
141-80 80 400 5650 5130
141-85 85 400 6000 5400
141-90 90 445 7800 7050
141-95 95 445 7730 7000
141-100 100 485 11600 10500
141-110 110 513 13500 12000
Model S
141-1002 3/4 125 150 135
141-1004 7/8 135 195 175
141-1006 15/16 150 245 220
141-1008 1 175 335 300
141-1010 1-1/8 190 435 390
141-1012 1-1/4 190 515 460
141-1014 1-7/16 210 800 730
141-1016 1-1/2 220 860 780
141-1018 1-5/8 230 955 860
141-1020 1-3/4 250 1225 1100
141-1022 1-7/8 250 1225 1100
141-1024 2 275 1550 1400
141-1028 2-1/8 305 1850 1680
141-1030 2-1/4 315 2190 1970
141-1032 2-3/8 315 2190 1970
141-1034 2-1/2 335 3060 2780
141-1036 2-3/4 370 4030 3660
141-1038 3 375 4200 3800
141-1040 3-1/8 400 5650 5130
141-1042 3-1/2 445 7800 7050
141-1044 3-3/4 445 7730 7000
141-1046 4 485 11600 10500

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Non-sparking Slammer Wrench Supplier | Release of Large Nuts and Bolts | Tool for Oil Refinery Machine

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