166 Non Sparking Hex Key

166 Non Sparking Hex Key
166 Non Sparking Hex Key
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The 166 non-sparking hex key wrench is typically L-shaped. It usually comes with six-sided cross-section and is specifically intended for driving screws that have a hexagonal socket. The specification of Allen key is defined as the distance between the parallel sides of hexagon. Unit for counting the number of Allen keys is set. One Allen key set is a combination of 8 or 10 Allen keys. Other combination styles are available as well, depending on customer specific requirements.

This Allen wrench, or hex key wrench is constructed from copper alloy that has been subjected to drop forging process. It is a useful tool in various hazardous areas that contain fire or explosion hazards. Durable and long lasting, the highly strong wrench shows stable mechanical performance.

Model S
166-1.5 1.5 59 25 8 6
166-2 2 59 25 8 6
166-2.5 2.5 59 25 8 6
166-3 3 59 25 8 7
166-4 4 65 30 10 8
166-5 5 79 32 16 12
166-6 6 85 37 25 20
166-7 7 88 43 34 30
166-8 8 92 44 50 45
166-9 9 97 44 61 55
166-10 10 110 45 82 70
166-11 11 119 48 100 90
166-12 12 130 52 145 130
166-13 13 140 54 180 160
166-14 14 150 58 211 191
166-15 15 156 60 260 230
166-16 16 162 63 300 270
166-17 17 168 65 370 335
166-18 18 173 69 450 402
166-19 19 177 72 490 445
166-21 21 184 74 652 595
166-22 22 186 77 675 615
166-24 24 192 82 825 755
166-25 25 200 84 925 840
166-26 26 206 90 1025 940
166-27 27 213 93 1220 1115
166-28 28 222 95 1350 1235
166-30 30 240 105 1615 1475
166-32 32 266 116 2065 1885
166-36 36 294 128 2905 2650
166-41 41 320 140 4120 3760

In addition to the specifications listed in the above table, the product also can be custom made according to his or her requirements or technical drawings.

Related Names
Sparkless Allen Wrench Manufacturer | High Security Mechanical Part Handling | Mechanical Tool

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