F-Series Triplex Mud Pump

F-Series Triplex Mud Pump
F-Series Triplex Mud Pump
F-Series Triplex Mud Pump
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Our F-series triplex mud pumps are designed and manufactured based on the American Emsco F-series mud pump strictly in accordance with API 7K specification. All of the expendable parts are interchangeable with any other similar spare parts produced according to API specification. Therefore, repair and maintenance of our product are possible all around the world.

  • Our triplex mud pump has a firm and compact structure, and is small in size. With outstanding performance, it is adaptive to the technical requirements of high pumping pressure and high displacement in well drilling.
  • Our drilling pump has a longer stroke and can operate with a lower stroke rate. This effectively improves water feeding performance of the pump and greatly lengthens the service life of expendable parts in the fluid end. With advanced structure, the suction pulsation dampener is helpful to make the pump realize its best suction performance.
  • The power end of this slurry pump adapts a lubricating system combining forced lubrication and splash lubrication. The reliable lubricating system helps extend the service life of the power end.
  • RLF-500
  • RLF-800
  • RLF-1000
  • RLF-1300
  • RLF-1600
  • RLF-2200
RLF-500 Triplex Mud Pump
Specification of RLF-500 Triplex Mud Pump
Rated Power (hp/kW) 500 (373)
Stroke Rate (SPM) 165
Stroke Length (in./mm) 7.5"/190.5
Reduction Gear Ratio 4.286
Suction Inlet Diameter (in./mm) 8"/203
Discharge Outlet Diameter (in.) 4" Flange 5000psi
Valve API5#
Maximum Liner (in./mm) 6-3/4"/170
Overall Dimension (L×W×H mm) 3658×2709 ×2231
Approximate Weight (kg) 9770
Stroke per Minute Liner Size (mm) and Rated Pressure (Mpa/psi)
φ170 φ160 φ150 φ140 φ130 φ120 φ110 φ100
9.41365 10.61540 12.11750 13.92010 16.12335 18.92740 22.53260 27.23945
Displacement (L/S)/(GPM)
165 35.67565 31.60501 27.77440 24.19383 20.86330 17.77281 14.93236 12.34195
150 32.43514 28.73455 25.25400 21.99348 18.96300 16.16256 13.58215 11.22178
140 30.27480 26.81425 23.56373 20.53325 17.70280 15.08239 12.67201 10.47166
130 28.11445 24.90394 21.88347 19.06302 16.44260 14.00222 11.77186 9.73154
120 25.94411 22.98364 20.20320 17.60279 15.17240 12.93205 10.86172 8.98142
110 23.78377 21.07334 18.52293 16.13255 13.91220 11.85188 9.96158 8.23130
Based on 100% volumetric efficiency and 90% mechanical efficiency
Stroke per Minute Liner size (in.) and P Rated Pressure (Mpa/psi)
6-3/4 6-1/2 6 5-1/2 5 4-1/2 4
9.251340 9.971445 11.71695 13.932020 16.852445 20.813020 26.333820
Displacement (L/S)/(GPM)
165 36.28575 33.65533 28.67454 24.09382 19.91316 16.13256 12.74202
150 32.99523 30.59485 26.06413 21.90347 18.10287 14.66232 11.58184
140 30.79488 28.55453 24.32385 20.44324 16.89268 13.68217 10.81171
130 28.59453 26.51420 22.59358 18.98301 15.69249 12.71201 10.04159
120 26.39418 24.47388 20.85330 17.52278 14.48230 11.73186 9.27147
110 24.19383 22.43356 19.11303 16.06255 13.27210 10.75170 8.49135
Based on 100% volumetric efficiency and 90% mechanical efficiency
RLF-800 Triplex Mud Pump
Specification of RLF-800 Triplex Mud Pump
Rated Power (hp/kW) 800 (597)
Stroke Rate (SPM) 150
Stroke Length (in./mm) 9"/228.6
Reduction Gear Ratio 4.185
Suction Inlet Diameter (in./mm) 10"/254
Discharge Outlet Diameter (in.) 5-1/8" Flange 5000psi
Valve API6#
Maximum Liner (in./mm) 6-3/4"/170
Overall Dimension (L×W×H mm) 3963×3025 ×2410
Approximate Weight (kg) 14500
Stroke per Minute Liner Size (mm) and Rated Pressure (Mpa/psi)
φ170 φ160 φ150 φ140 φ130 φ120 φ110 φ100
13.82000 15.62260 17.72570 20.32950 23.63420 27.74015 33.04780 34.55000
Displacement (L/S)/(GPM)
150 38.92617 34.47546 30.30480 26.39418 22.76360 19.39307 16.29258 13.47213
140 36.32575 32.17510 28.28448 24.63390 21.24336 18.10287 15.21241 12.57199
130 33.73534 29.88473 26.26416 22.87362 19.72312 16.81266 14.12224 11.67185
120 31.13493 27.58437 24.24384 21.11334 18.21288 15.51246 13.03206 10.77171
110 28.54452 25.28400 22.22352 19.35307 16.69264 14.22225 11.95189 9.87156
Based on 100% volumetric efficiency and 90% mechanical efficiency
Stroke per Minute Liner Size (in.) and Rated Pressure (Mpa/psi)
6-3/4 6-1/2 6-1/4 6 5-1/2 5 4-1/2 4
13.561965 14.632120 15.822295 17.162490 20.432965 24.723585 30.514425 355075
Displacement (L/S)/(GPM)
150 39.58627 36.70582 33.94538 31.27496 26.28417 21.72344 17.59279 13.90220
140 36.94586 34.26543 31.67502 29.19463 24.53389 20.27321 16.42260 12.97206
130 34.30544 31.81504 29.41466 27.10430 22.78361 18.82298 15.25242 12.05191
120 31.67502 29.36465 27.15430 25.02397 21.02333 17.37275 14.07223 11.12176
110 29.03460 26.92427 24.89395 22.93363 19.27305 15.93252 12.90204 10.19162
Based on 100% volumetric efficiency and 90% mechanical efficiency
RLF-1000 Triplex Mud Pump
Specification of RLF-1000 Triplex Mud Pump
Rated Power (hp/kW) 1000 (746)
Stroke Rate (SPM) 140
Stroke Length (in./mm) 10"/254
Reduction Gear Ratio 4.207
Suction Inlet Diameter (in./mm) 12"/305
Discharge Outlet Diameter (in.) 5-1/8" Flange 5000psi
Valve API6#
Maximum Liner (in./mm) 6-3/4"/170
Overall Dimension (L×W×H mm) 4267×3167 ×2580
Approximate Weight (kg) 18790
Stroke per Minute Liner Size (mm) and Rated Pressure (Mpa/psi)
φ170 φ160 φ150 φ140 φ130 φ120 φ110
16.62410 18.82725 21.43100 24.53555 28.44125 33.44840 34.55000
Displacement (L/S)/(GPM)
140 40.36639 35.75566 31.42498 27.37434 23.60374 20.11318 16.90268
130 37.47594 33.20526 29.13462 25.42403 21.92347 18.67296 15.69248
120 34.59548 30.64485 26.93427 23.46372 20.23320 17.24273 14.48229
110 31.71502 28.09445 24.93391 21.51341 18.54294 15.80250 13.28210
100 28.83457 25.53404 22.44355 19.55310 16.86267 14.36227 12.07191
Based on 100% volumetric efficiency and 90% mechanical efficiency
Stroke per Minute Liner Size (in.) and Rated Pressure (Mpa/psi)
6-3/4 6-1/2 6-1/4 6 5-1/2 5 4-1/2 4
16.352370 17.632555 19.072765 20.693000 24.623570 29.794320 355075 355075
Displacement (L/S)/(GPM)
140 41.05651 38.06603 35.19558 32.43514 27.25432 22.52357 18.24289 14.41228
130 38.12604.2 35.35560 32.68518 30.12477 25.31401 20.91331 16.94269 13.39212
120 35.18558 32.63517 30.16478 27.80441 23.36370 19.31306 15.64248 12.36196
110 32.25511 29.91474 27.65438 25.48404 21.41339 17.70281 14.33227 11.33180
100 29.32465 27.19431 25.14398 23.17367 19.47309 16.09255 13.03207 10.30163
Based on 100% volumetric efficiency and 90% mechanical efficiency
RLF-1300 Triplex Mud Pump
Specification of RLF-1300 Triplex Mud Pump
Rated Power (hp/kW) 1300 (969)
Stroke Rate (SPM) 120
Stroke Length (in./mm) 12"/305
Reduction Gear Ratio 4.206
Suction Inlet Diameter (in./mm) 12"/305
Discharge Outlet Diameter (in.) 5-1/8" Flange 5000psi
Valve API7#
Maximum Liner (in./mm) 7"/180
Overall Dimension (L×W×H mm) 4617×3260 ×2600
Approximate Weight (kg) 24572
Stroke per Minute Liner Size (mm) and Rated Pressure (Mpa/psi)
φ180 φ170 φ160 φ150 φ140 φ130
18.72712 213045 23.73437 273915 314495 34.55000
Displacement (L/S)/(GPM)
120 46.54737 41.51658 36.77583 32.32512 28.15446 24.27385
110 42.66676 38.05603 33.71534 29.62469 25.81409 22.25352
100 38.78614 34.59548 30.64485 26.93427 23.46372 20.23320
90 34.9553 31.13493 27.58437 24.24384 21.11334 18.21288
Based on 100% volumetric efficiency and 90% mechanical efficiency
Stroke per Minute Liner Size (in.) and Rated Pressure (Mpa/psi)
7 6-3/4 6-1/4 6 5-1/2 5
19.172780 20.652994 24.073490 26.163793 31.134539 355075
Displacement (L/S)/(GPM)
120 45.41720 42.23669 36.20574 33.36529 28.04444 23.17367
110 41.63660 38.71614 33.19526 30.58485 25.70407 21.24337
100 37.84600 35.19558 30.17478 27.80441 23.36370 19.31306
90 34.06540 31.67502 27.15430 25.02397 21.03333 17.38275
Based on 100% volumetric efficiency and 90% mechanical efficiency
RLF-1600 Triplex Mud Pump
Specification of RLF-1600 Triplex Mud Pump
Rated Power (hp/kW) 1600 (1193)
Stroke Rate (SPM) 120
Stroke Length (in./mm) 12"/305
Reduction Gear Ratio 4.206
Suction Inlet Diameter (in./mm) 12"/305
Discharge Outlet Diameter (in.) 5-1/8" Flange 5000psi
Valve API7#
Maximum Liner (in./mm) 7"/180
Overall Dimension (L×W×H mm) 4615×3276 ×2688
Approximate Weight (kg) 24791
Stroke per Minute Liner Size (mm) and Rated Pressure (Mpa/psi)
φ180 φ170 φ160 φ150 φ140 φ130
23.63345 25.93750 29.24235 33.24820 34.55000 34.55000
Displacement (L/S)/(GPM)
120 46.54737 41.51658 36.77583 32.32512 28.15446 24.27385
110 42.66676 38.05603 33.71534 29.62469 25.81409 22.25352
100 38.78614 34.59548 30.64485 26.93427 23.46372 20.23320
90 34.9553 31.13493 27.58437 24.24384 21.11334 18.21288
Based on 100% volumetric efficiency and 90% mechanical efficiency
Stroke per Minute Liner Size (mm) and Rated Pressure (Mpa/psi)
7 6-3/4 6-1/4 6 5-1/2 5
24.193508 25.463692 29.664300 32.164663 34.55000 355075
Displacement (L/S)/(GPM)
120 45.41720 42.23669 36.20574 33.36529 28.04444 23.17367
110 41.63660 38.71614 33.19526 30.58485 25.70407 21.24337
100 37.84600 35.19558 30.17478 27.80441 23.36370 19.31306
90 34.06540 31.67502 27.15430 25.02397 21.03333 17.38275
Based on 100% volumetric efficiency and 90% mechanical efficiency
RLF-2200 Triplex Mud Pump
Specification of RLF-2200 Triplex Mud Pump
Stroke per minute Rated Power (hp) Liner Size (mm) and Rated Pressure (Mpa)
φ140 φ150 φ160 φ170 φ180 φ190 φ200 φ210 φ220 φ230
35 35 35 35 31 27.9 25.1 22.8 20.8 19
Displacement (L/S)
105 2200 28.76 33.01 37.56 42.40 47.54 52.96 58.69 64.70 71.01 77.61
90 1886 24.65 28.30 32.19 36.34 40.75 45.40 50.30 55.46 60.87 66.53
80 1676 21.91 25.15 28.62 32.31 36.22 40.35 44.71 49.30 54.10 59.13
70 1467 19.17 22.01 25.04 28.27 31.69 35.31 39.12 43.13 47.34 51.74
60 1257 16.43 18.86 21.46 24.23 27.16 30.27 33.54 36.97 40.58 44.35
1 0.2738 0.3143 0.3577 0.4038 0.4527 0.5045 0.5590 0.6162 0.6763 0.7392
Based on 100% volumetric efficiency and 90% mechanical efficiency
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