Medium Voltage Vacuum Load Break Switch (Switch-fuse Combination), FZN25-24D/FZRN25-24D

Medium Voltage Vacuum Load Break Switch (Switch-fuse Combination), FZN25-24D/FZRN25-24D
Medium Voltage Vacuum Load Break Switch (Switch-fuse Combination), FZN25-24D/FZRN25-24D
Medium Voltage Vacuum Load Break Switch (Switch-fuse Combination), FZN25-24D/FZRN25-24D
Medium Voltage Vacuum Load Break Switch (Switch-fuse Combination), FZN25-24D/FZRN25-24D
Medium Voltage Vacuum Load Break Switch (Switch-fuse Combination), FZN25-24D/FZRN25-24D
Medium Voltage Vacuum Load Break Switch (Switch-fuse Combination), FZN25-24D/FZRN25-24D
Medium Voltage Vacuum Load Break Switch (Switch-fuse Combination), FZN25-24D/FZRN25-24D
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This air-insulated load break switch is a control and protection device used in three phase AC 50Hz 24kv power distribution networks, suitable for power distribution stations of urban buildings, industrial production companies, mining sites, etc.

Environmental Conditions
  • Ambient temperature: up to 40°C, greater than -25°C (can be stored at 30°C);
  • Altitude: lower than 1000 m;
  • Relative humidity: daily average ≤ 95% ( 20°C), monthly average ≤ 90% ( 20°C);
  • Earthquake intensity: ≤ magnitude 8;
  • The ambient air is not significantly polluted by corrosive gases, flammable gases, or vapors;
  • Areas without severe vibration;
  • Pollution level does not exceed level II;
Technical Parameters
Item Unit Parameters
FZN25-24D/T630-20 FZRN25-24D/125-315
Rated voltage KV 24
Rated frequency HZ 50
Rated current A 630 125
Power frequency withstand voltage(1min) kV arc extinguishing chamber 65; clearances to
both earthed and live parts 65
Lightning impulse
withstand voltage(peak)
kV clearances to
both earthed and live parts 125
Rated short-time withstand current kA 20
Rated short-circuit duration S 4
Rated peak withstand current kA 50
Rated closed-loop breaking current A 630
Rated short-circuit breaking current kA 31.5
Rated short-circuit making current kA 50
Auxiliary circuit rated voltage V AC,DC/220,110
Vacuum interrupter Times 10000/2000
Earthing switch 2000
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