186 Non Sparking Cross-pein Hammer

186 Non Sparking Cross-pein Hammer
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As a variant of more common ball peen hammer, the 186 non-sparking cross-pein hammer is usually used to strike iron nails, chip metalwork, clean off welding slag, and remove rust left on he cars and ships.

This product has been put through a process known as precision forging. It features a fiber-reinforced plastic handle that contains 70% fibers, which makes the handle durable and robust. Sturdy and long-lasting, the hammer presents a highly stable mechanical property. It meets the German standard DIN 1041.

Model H
186-1002 500 310 655
186-1004 1000 340 1175
186-1006 1500 400 1850
186-1008 2000 400 2455
186-1010 3000 900 3700
186-1012 5000 900 6000

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Industrial Cross-peen Hammer Manufacturer | Automobile Safe Metalworking | Hand Tool in Medical Industry

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