191 Non Sparking Sledge Hammer

191 Non Sparking Sledge Hammer
191 Non Sparking Sledge Hammer
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Commonly used in potentially combustible or explosive atmosphere, the 191 sledge hammer is usually employed to strike nails and other workpiece, chip metalwork, and assist in assembling machine, drilling or breaking up rock, or other applications that require great amount of impact. Its hammerhead is precision machined via the forging process. Its handle is made of fiber-reinforced plastic. This gives customers a reason as to why our handle is so durable and sturdy. With high tensile strength and stable mechanical property, this tool is able to withstand a long time of use.

  • QB/T 2613.6 compliant
  • Our sledge hammer is capable of exerting more force into the pounded object than is possible with ordinary hammers. This is partly due to the large-sized hammerhead.
Model H
191-1002 450 310 610
191-1004 1000 400 1300
191-1006 1400 400 1700
191-1008 1500 400 1800
191-1010 1800 400 2100
191-1012 2000 400 2300
191-1014 2200 400 2500
191-1016 2500 700 3210
191-1018 2700 700 3410
191-1020 3000 700 3710
191-1022 3600 700 4310
191-1024 4000 900 4910
191-1026 4500 900 5410
191-1028 5000 900 5910
191-1030 5400 900 6310
191-1032 6400 900 7310
191-1034 7200 900 8110
191-1036 8000 900 8910
191-1038 8200 900 9110
191-1040 9100 900 10010
191-1042 9900 900 10810

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