1. Contour-following drying system, high pressure water sprayer and blower dryer
1)Side and top contour-following drying system to fully cover the car surface with cleaning foam
2)Top high pressure water contour-following sprayer, able for automatically moving up and down according to the shape of the car roof while keeping appropriate tilt, to enhance washing performance.
3)Top contour-following drying system with 3 opto-electronic sensors placed in a triangular shape. The dryer moves up once the sensors get triggered to prevent car damage.
2. Double high pressure water spraying arms -
Double high pressure water spraying arms, able for cleaning the entire vehicle by self-rotating and vehicle-following, good cleaning performance.
Car washing process:
Chassis washing --- contour-following foam spraying --- top contour-following high pressure water spraying --- side arm high pressure water spraying --- tire washing --- water wax spraying --- contour-following drying