Thermocouple Extension & Compensating Wire

Thermocouple Extension & Compensating Wire
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  • Material Composition: Made from alloys that match the thermocouple reference wire in the expected temperature range. For example, K-type thermocouples use chromel and alumel alloys, so the extension wire is also made from chromel-alumel alloys.
  • Operating Temperature: The rated temperature range of extension wires is lower compared to the thermocouple itself. This allows them to transmit signals from sensors in high-temperature environments to cooler control areas.
  • Accuracy: Designed to maintain the original voltage-temperature relationship of the thermocouple. Any deviation can lead to errors, making it crucial to select the correct extension wire type.
  • Insulation: Insulated using materials suitable for the environment, such as PVC, Teflon, or fiberglass, to ensure reliable performance.
Differences Between Thermocouple Wire and Extension Wire
Feature Thermocouple Wire Extension Wire
Material Same as Thermocouple Alloy Matches only within the specified temperature range
Temp Change High (some types up to 1,700°C) Limited (usually up to 400°C)
Cost Higher Reduced
Purpose Used for temperature sensing Extends the temperature signal to instrumentation
Main Considerations When Choosing Thermocouple Extension Wires
  • Match thermocouple type: The extension wire must correspond to the thermocouple type (e.g., K, J, T).
  • Operating environment: Ensure that the insulation material is suitable for temperature, humidity, or chemical exposure conditions.
    PVC: Flexible, general-purpose.
    Fiberglass: High-temperature resistant.
    PTFE (Teflon): Chemical and moisture resistant.
  • Wire gauge: Heavier gauges are needed for long distances or harsh environments to minimize signal loss.
  • Shielding: For environments with electrical interference, consider using shielded wire.
  • Accuracy: Verify whether the wire meets ASTM or IEC standards for accuracy.
Thermocouple Type Compensating Wire Type Usage EMF Standard Precision Grade General Grade
Temperature /℃ Value /μV Tolerance μV EMF Range μV Tolerance μV EMF Range μV
K KX,KCA or KCB G -25 -968 ±40 -924~-1012 ±80 -880~-1 056
100 4096 4052~4140 4 008~4 184
H -25 -968 ±40 -924~-1012 ±88 -880~-1 056
100 4096 4052~4140 4 008~4 184
200 8138 8094~8182 8 050~8 226
J JX G -25 -1 239 ±62 -1177~-1301 ±123 -1 116~-1 362
100 5269 5207~5331 5 146~5 392
H -25 -1239 ±62 - 177~-1301 ±123 -1 116~-1 362
100 5269 5207~5331 5 146~5 392
200 10779 10717~10841 10 656~10 902
E EX G -25 -1432 ±81 -1351~-1513 ±138 -1 294~-1 570
100 6 319 6238~ 6400 6 181~6 457
H -25 -1432 ±81 -1351~- 1513 ±138 -1 294~-1 570
100 6319 6238~6400 6 181~6 457
200 13421 13340~13502 13 283~13 559
T TX G -25 -940 ±30 -910~-970 ±60 -1850
100 4279 4249~4309 4189~4339
H -25 -940 ±48 -892~-988
100 4279 4231~4327
200 9288 9240~9336
N NX or NC G -25 -646 ±43 -603~-689 ±86 -560~-732
100 2774 2731~2817 2 688~2 860
H -25 -646 ±43 -603~-690 ±86 -560~-732
100 2774 2731~2817 2 688~2 860
200 5913 5870~5956 5 827~5 999
SorR SC or RC G 100 646 ±30 616~676 ±60 586~706
H 100 646 - - ±60 586~706
200 11441 - - 1.381~1 501
  • Aerospace: Monitoring engine components
  • Power plants: Measuring temperature in boilers or turbines
  • Medical equipment: Transmitting signals from sterilization equipment
  • HVAC systems: Connecting sensors to control units
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