Electrochemical Workstation (Potentiostat / Galvanostat)

Electrochemical Workstation (Potentiostat / Galvanostat)
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Used for measurement and analysis in electrochemical experiments

The 7-ECW series of electrochemical workstations is meticulously crafted for precise electrochemical analysis and scientific research. Drawing upon decades of developer expertise, it integrates a wide array of common electrochemical analysis techniques, meeting the diverse needs of professional analysis and scientific research.

Comprising waveform generation, data acquisition, potentiostatic/Galvanostatic control, and automatic precision filtering systems, this instrument boasts 16-bit microcontroller control and high-speed USB connectivity to the main computer, ensuring accuracy, sensitivity, and stability.

Harnessing advanced object-oriented programming (OOP) technology and utilizing XML as the core data format, the system software supports multi-threaded collaboration across languages such as C#/C /asm, delivering user-friendly experimental tools and streamlined workflows for enhanced efficiency in professional analysis and research. Compatible with static mercury drop electrodes, hanging mercury drop electrodes, and various solid electrodes, it empowers users with versatile experimentation capabilities.

  • Study of electrochemical mechanisms and qualitative and quantitative analysis of materials.
  • Conventional electrochemical testing, including performance evaluations of electro-synthesis and electrodeposition (electroplating).
  • Investigation of mechanisms and preparation of functional and energy materials such as cells, super capacitors, nanomaterials, and biosensors.
  • Rapid evaluation of inhibitors, stabilizers, coatings, and cathodic protection efficiency, as well as hydrogen permeation testing.
  • Electrochemical corrosion testing of metal materials in conductive media, including water, concrete, and soil environments.
Constant potential control range: ±10V Constant current control range: ±2.0A
Potential control precision: 0.1%×The full scale reading ±1mV The precision of current control: 0.1%×The full scale reading
Potential sensitivity: 10μV (>100Hz), 3μV (< 10Hz) Current sensitivity: < 10pA
Rise time of potential: ﹤1μS (< 10mA), < 10μS (< 2A) Current range: 2A-200nA, total 8 positions
Input impedance of the reference electrode: 1012 Ω||20pF The maximum output current: 2.0A
Voltage: ±21V Current scanning increment: 1mA @1A/mS
Scanning speed of CV and LSV: 0.01mV-10000V/s Potential increment when potential scanning: 0.1mV @1V/mS
Pulse width of CA and CC: 0.0001-65000s Pulse width of DPV and NPV: 0.0001-1000s
SWV frequency: 0.001-100KHz The minimum potential increment for CV: 0.075mV
AD data acquisition: 16bit@1MHz, 20bit @1kHz Current and potential range: set automatically
DA Resolutions: 16bit, Setting time: 1μS Low pass filter: 8 segments, programmable
Communication mode on the interface: USB2.0

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