Quartz Sand Filter

Quartz Sand Filter
Quartz Sand Filter
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Filter for removing suspended solids, small particles and turbidity from water

Using quartz sand as a filtration medium, quartz sand filters are designed to tackle water with high turbidity. As water passes through a layer of granular or non-granular quartz sand under pressure, the filter effectively traps and removes suspended solids, organic matter, colloidal particles, and microorganisms. This process significantly reduces water turbidity and improves water quality, making it an efficient and reliable filtration solution.


Ideal for various water treatment processes, including:

  • Ion exchange softening
  • Pre-treatment for desalination systems
  • Pre-filtration for reverse osmosis systems
Design Pressure 0.6MPa
Test Pressure 0.75MPa
Working Temperature 5-50℃
Filter Speed 10-12m/h
Backwash Intensity 16-18L/m².s
Backwash Time 5-10min
Turbidity Raw water: 10-20mg/L, filtered water: 2-5mg/L Raw water: <10mg/L, filtered water: <2mg/L
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