Transmission, Reflectance and Absorption Measurement System

Transmission, Reflectance and Absorption Measurement System
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Used to measure reflection, transmission and absorption of optical components

The 7-TRASpec transmission, reflectance, and absorption measurement system can test the transmission, reflection, and absorption spectra of flat optical components such as prisms, filters, gratings, coatings, and various materials including solutions and glass.

  • Utilizes high-sensitivity photomultiplier tubes and indium gallium arsenide detectors or CCD.
  • Modular design for flexible structure.
Spectral range Selectable within 200~2500nm according to actual needs
Photocurrent drift Less than 0.04% per hour
Wavelength accuracy ±0.2nm
Spectral resolution 0.1nm
Spectral bandwidth Adjustable from 0.2~10nm
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