CH210L Medium Temperature Cement Retarder

CH210L Medium Temperature Cement Retarder
CH210L Medium Temperature Cement Retarder
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CH210L Medium Temperature Cement Retarder

CH210LMedium Temperature Cement Retarder

Our medium temperature cement retarder is a colorless or faint yellow liquid. Itconsists of 10% NitrilotrimethyleneTriphosphonic Acid with theCAS number of 6419-19-8, 20% 2-Phosphonobutane- 1, 2, 4-tricarboxylic Acid and70% water with the CAS number of 7732-18-5.With a density of 1.10±0.05g/cm3, the medium temperature cement retarder can be entirelydissolved in water with slightly pungent odor. It also achieves a relativedensity of 1.15±0.05 with the water equal to 1, and also features a freezingpoint of 0℃ or lower.The common dosage of the medium temperature cement retarder is 0.2-3.0% by weight of cement (BWOC), andour recommended amount is 0.5%BWOC.

Performance of Slurry with the Medium Temperature Cement Retarder


Technical Indicators

Initial Consistency, Bc

80/45min, 46.5MPa


Thickening time, min


40-100Bc Thickening time, min


Composition: API Class GHSRcement 700g, Mixed water 308g, CH210L 3.5g (0.5%)

As an experienced medium temperature cement retarder manufacturer and supplier in China, ourcompany also provides anti fluid channeling latex cement additive, AMPS terpolymer cement fluid lossadditive, cement defoamerand more.

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