Cooling Tunnel

Cooling Tunnel
Cooling Tunnel
Cooling Tunnel
Cooling Tunnel
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Chocolate Machinery

Chocolate processing system for cooling chocolate coated products

  • Compressor power 2.0kW
  • Motor power 0.2kW
  • Belt width 200mm
  • Cooling temperature 0 degree
  • Dimensions 3250×500×950mm

A cooling tunnel rapidly solidifies the melted chocolate on your products, ensuring they hold their shape before packaging. Typically, the cooling tunnel follows the chocolate enrobing machine, with a packaging machine placed at the end.

Our cooling tunnel features a controlled airflow system that maintains a steady and even cooling process, ensuring high-quality results. It can be customized in width and length, with widths ranging from 20 cm to 1200 cm and lengths from 320 cm to 1500 cm.

For a complete chocolate enrobing production line, a cooling tunnel is essential. Its belt width aligns with the chocolate enrober’s capacity. For small chocolate enrobers with an 8 kg to 30 kg capacity, we use a 3.2-meter cooling tunnel with a 200 mm belt width. For 60 kg enrobers, we offer a wider cooling tunnel with a 300 mm belt width.

Improve your chocolate production with a customized cooling tunnel that fits your capacity. Contact us to find the perfect solution for your needs!

  • Food-grade PU conveyor belt
  • Full 304 stainless steel construction
  • Controlled by an electrical cabinet
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