Steam Solenoid Valve

Steam Solenoid Valve 

1. The steam solenoidvalve is a valve for use with thesteam used by heaters, radiators, driers, bleaching and dyeing machines, etc.
2. It uses the pilot type.
3. The steam solenoid valve is used for steam with the temperature around 180
4. Workingpressure:
0~10 (0.3~16).

YUYAO NO.4 INSTRUMENT FACTORY is a major manufacturer of steam solenoid valve,based in China.  We offer various types of products such assteam solenoid valve, water cooler solenoid valve, minisolenoid valve and so on.  Our productsare high quality and competitively priced. We can
complete the full chain of manufacturing highpressure solenoid valve, gas solenoid valve, etc. right here in China.  Our lower manufacturing cost can save yourpurchasing cost.  A more detaileddescription of our product is shown on the page.

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