Complete Grinding System
Relying on our knowledge and expertise in the field of wet grinding in terms ofmachines and plant engineering, we at Longly are capable of providing completesolution tailored to your needs of laboratory and manufacturing plantapplications.
We deliver services for over 40 industries, including battery slurry, lithiumiron phosphate, iron oxide, silicon carbon anode material, graphene, ceramicink, nano materials, electronic ceramics, new energy, paint, coating, ink, etc.
- The complete system consists of raw material storage, material feeding anddosing, conveying, dispersing and grinding, filtering and filling, finalproduct storage, measuring, PLC controlling, electrical system and steelplatform.
- The raw materials are independently stored in the storage area. Appropriatestorage containers are used in accordance with the material characteristics,and reasonable arrangement and protection measures are also guaranteed.
- Feeding and dosing methods are selected per specific requests, it ispossible to automatically accomplish processes of feeding, dosing, measuringand accuracy control, and can ensure contamination-free and dust-freeproduction.
- During the dispersing and mixing processes, it allows to perform control offormula adding, pump conveying, quality inspecting, process monitoring,strictly adhering the requirements of dispersing and grinding fineness.
- Filtering and filling system is composed of filtering unit, filling unit andfinal product tank stacking unit, which are fully automatic controlled andmanaged, greatly improving production efficiency and reducing errors causedby human factors.

- Characterized by digitalization, standardization and intelligence;
- Suitable for batch production, and can be configured according to thethroughput and process;
- Fully automatic systems are available per customers’ request, such asautomatic dosing, inline inspection, automatic control of valve, computerremote control and PLC human-machine interface, facilitating productionmanagement due to less human factors;
- Sensors and meters have features of high precision, excellent stability,quick response and long service life. They can provide precise measurementsof dosing and mixing by displaying through touch screen and computermonitor, efficiently preventing the dosing errors caused by manualoperation;
- PLC system has high stability and reliability, and it is easy to carry outmaintenance and upgrading;
- Not only saves time, labor and energy, but also is eco-friendly;
- Industrial Paint
- Automotive Paint
- Natural Stone Paint
- Water-Based Polyurethane
- Furniture Paint
- Ink
- Water-Based Paint
- Resin
- Latex Paint

1. The entire production line is configured with PLC, touch screen andcomputer control to accomplish automatic and manual operation modes.
2. The status of system will be displayed on the computer monitor.
3. The required data can be set according to the actual needs and bepermanently saved. After the data is set, there is no need to repeat thesetting.
4. In automatic mode, any unit being maintained or suspended will notaffect the entire production process, the continuous production can beensured without downtime.
5. The limits of rotating speed, temperature and pressure of the machinecan be set according to the demand, if any value exceeds the limit,alarm will be activated to stop the operation, effectively protectingthe machine from damage.
6. System faults will be displayed on the monitor, easy to troubleshootthe problems.

- Beside the need of manual opening of raw material, other processes includedosing, weighing, feeding, stirring, rough grinding, fine grinding,filtration, de-ironing and conveying are all accomplished through automaticor manual programming controlled by computer, thus avoiding errors caused byhuman factors and efficiently improving the stability of batch production.
- The data will be collected 10 times per minute by computer system, and canbe stored in the system for 3 months. The formula of product from each batchcan be retrieved and is possible to analysis the production data for theaims of process improving and productivity increasing.
- The pressure sensor is equipped at outlet of conveying pump to real-timemonitoring of the outlet pressure, alarm will be activated when the pressureis too high or too low, efficiently protecting the system from damage.
- The system runs automatically requiring one key to start.
- The main operating parameters of the system including temperature, pressureand weight will be automatically recorded in the computer, which can beeasily accessed by user at any time.
- Remote system accessing function can be configured, user can check theproduction and equipment operation status through personal mobile phone orcomputer.
- The control system has multiple access rights for assigning to operatingpersonnel, maintenance personnel, and management personnel, preventingunauthorized operations.