Cardboard Handling Vacuum Gripper System

Cardboard Handling Vacuum Gripper System
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In order to meet today's market demands of reducing material wastes, Taiyang's R&D department has developed a cardboard handling vacuum gripper system which is a manipulator system using suction pads, enabling the cardboard to be securely gripped without damaging the bottom of the cardboard. Therefore, the problem of cardboard damage during the lifting and transporting can be effectively solved. This vacuum gripper system can be pre-set to select and place wooden panel or paperboard on the conveyor of the stacker according to the cardboard size, thus protecting the cardboard at the bottom of the cardboard stack. During the corrugated cardboard conveying process using either roller conveyor or belt conveyor, this vacuum gripper system can provide a guaranteed protection against cardboard damage, while ensuring the quality of finished products and reducing material waste which translates to lower production costs.

  • High automation level, can be connected to production management system for data exchange;
  • Place a wooden panel under the cardboard stacks, reliable and simple;
  • Long service life, less maintenance costs;
  • Protect the cardboard at the bottom from being damaged, greatly reducing waste;
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