Tunable Monochromatic Light Source

Tunable Monochromatic Light Source
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Wavelength adjustable monochromatic light source and monochromator

The main body of the 7-L series wavelength adjustable monochromatic light source is comprised of a broad spectrum light source (deuterium lamp, halogen lamp, xenon lamp, or composite source) and a wide spectral monochromator. Additionally, to eliminate multi-spectral interference, it is equipped with a 7IFW6 filter wheel.
Users can choose to equip collimation or converging lens groups at the light source exit according to their requirements. The 7-L series can also be equipped with an adjustable diaphragm to modify light spot size or energy. For users requiring chopper connections, an exclusive holder for fixing the SR540 chopper is available. Customization services are offered for special users, such as equipping the device with choppers of various specifications from SIGNAL RECOVERY company for connecting to optical fibers with different specifications.

  • Outstanding stability ensures the xenon lamp performs better than 0.5%.
  • Carefully optimized design results in high output efficiency with minimal energy loss.
  • Continuously adjustable output bandwidth for enhanced flexibility.
  • The system is securely fixed on an optical plate, ensuring stable optical paths and high integration.
  • Specialized software allows for arbitrary wavelength output and time delay settings.
  • Optional USB2.0 and RS232 interfaces provide versatile connectivity.
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