Medium-Sized DC Motor

Medium-Sized DC Motor
Medium-Sized DC Motor
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Z Series
Electric motor for metal rolling mills, paper machines and other industrial machines

Our medium-sized DC motors (Z Series) are suitable for the main and auxiliary drives of metal rolling mills, metal cutting machines, excavators, paper machines, mine hoists, experimental equipment, cranes, and other machinery.

Our DC motors offer a wide range of power, torque, and speed, making them highly adaptable to various transmission requirements. With excellent electrical performance and a well-designed structure, our motors meet the standards of similar advanced foreign motors in both electrical performance and structural installation dimensions.

  • Frame: Z315-Z1000
  • Power: 60-2800kW
  • Voltage: 220-1000V
  • Torque: 1.5-180kNm
  • Protection degree: IP23/IP44
  • Cooling method: IC06/IC17/IC37/IC81W
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