Standard Separate-Vacuum Hopper Loader

Standard Separate-Vacuum Hopper Loader
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Plastic feeding machine for conveying plastic granules over long distance

This standard separate-vacuum hopper loader is a robust feeding machine tailored to handle the efficient transfer of plastic granules across extended distances, enhancing productivity and reliability in plastic processing operations.

  • Equipped with a device to prevent motor overheating, significantly extending the life of the machine.
  • Includes an alert system to proactively notify operators of material shortages, enabling quick resolution of any issues.
  • Features a standalone filter structure that simplifies the process of dust removal and filter inspection, ensuring easy maintenance and optimal performance.
Main unit Hopper receiver RS485 communication function Conveying pipe diameter (inch) Vacuum pipe diameter (inch) Conveying capacity (kg/hr)
Model Version Blower type Blower power (kW) Dimensions (mm) H×W×D Weight (kg) Recommended model Hopper capacity (L) Dimensions (mm) H×W×D Weight (kg)
SAL-810G B Inductive 0.75 (3Φ) 740×400×410 58 SMH-6L 6 460×260×315 6 1.5 1.5 300
SVH-6L 600×285×305 7
SHR-6U 420×285×360 6
SAL-820G B Inductive 1.5 (3Φ) 740×400×410 65 SMH-12L 12 515×300×350 7 1.5 1.5 480
SVH-12L 695×300×360 11
SHR-12U 470×315×400 7
SAL-830G B Inductive 1.85 (3Φ) 785×400×410 68 SMH-24L 24 720×325×375 9 2 2 700
SVH-24L 1120×360×375 13
SHR-24U 690×315×400 9
1) "SMH" stands for vacuum hopper receiver, "SVH" stands for photosensor hopper receiver, "SVR-U" stands for Euro-hopper receiver
2) Test conditions of conveying capacity:
Plastic material of 0.65kg/L in bulk density and 3-5mm in diameter
Vertical conveying height: 4m
Horizontal conveying distance: 5m
3) "●" stands for standard, "〇" stands for optional, "—" stands for none 4) All hoppers adopt 4P heavy-duty connector
5) Power: 3Φ, 400VAC, 50Hz
We reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice.
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