Cylinder Boring Machine

Cylinder Boring Machine
Cylinder Boring Machine
Cylinder Boring Machine
Cylinder Boring Machine
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Cylinder Boring Machine

Cylinder Boring Machine

Our cylinder boring machine is applied to the cylinder whose diameter variesfrom 20mm to 200mm, and it is used to bore the engine cylinders of automobile,large bus, engineering machinery, heavy duty truck, motorcycle and tractor,etc. There are mainly 4 categories of cylinder boring machine which are T80series, T8018A type, T170S vertical fine boring type and FT7 type. T80 seriescylinder boring machine is suitable for cylinder with diameter ranges from 39mmto 180mm and it is designed for common customers. T8018A type is especiallyadapted to large cylinder with diameter 30mm-180mm. On the other hand, theT170S type is used for cylinder whose diameter is between 20mm and 170mm, andit is equipped with PLC electric control panel. This machine is designed forusers who have very strict requirements in the precision and quality. Inaddition, FT7 type is the latest developed machine this year.

T80 Series Cylinder Boring Machine 

T8018A Cylinder Boring Machine

T170S Vertical Fine Boring Machine

FT7 Cylinder Boring Machine


    4-Point AutomaticCentering System
      Quick Clamping Device
      Inline Block
          Main Control Board

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