Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase

Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
Small AC Gear Motor, Three Phase
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Unit: mm
Power  Gear Ratio A D E F G H J K L M X Y Z S P Q W T Weight
100W 1/8HP 3-50 (Standard Type) 254 40(50) 110(140) 135(120) 65(120) 9 16 50(39.5) 10(12) 130.5 143(/) 88.5(2) 100 18 30 27 5 20.2 5.7
60-200 (Light Duty Type) 254 40(50) 110(140) 135(120) 65(120) 9 16 50(39.5) 10(12) 130.5 143(/) 88.5(2) 100 18 30 27 5 20.2 5.7
200W 1/4HP 3-10 (Standard Type) 279 40(50) 110(140) 135(120) 65(120) 9 16 50(39.5) 10(12 130.5 143(/) 88.5(2) 100 18 30 27 5 20.2 7.0
15-90 (Light Duty Type) 279 40(50) 110(140) 135(120) 65(120) 9 16 50(39.5) 10(12) 130.5 143(/) 88.5(2) 100 18 30 27 5 20.2 7.0

※Tabulation "()" denote vertical box dimension


Unit: mm
Power  Gear Ratio A D E F G H J K L M X Y Z S P Q W T Weight
100W 1/8HP 60-200 (Standard Type) 281 65(148) 130(185) 158(175) 90(165) 12 7.5 60(48) 13(12) 130.5 161(/) 97.5(3) 100 22 40 35 7 25 7.30
250-180 (1# 2#) (Light Duty Type) 341 65(148) 130(185) 158(175) 90(165) 12 33.5 60(48) 13(12) 130.5 161(/) 97.5(3) 100 22 40 35 7 25 12.0
200W 1/4HP 15-90 (Standard Type) 306 65(148) 130(185) 158(175) 90(165) 12 17.5 60(48) 13(12) 130.5 161(/) 97.5(3) 100 22 40 35 7 25 9.00
100-200 (Light Duty Type) 306 65(148) 130(185) 158(175) 90(165) 12 7.5 60(48) 13(12) 130.5 161(/) 97.5(3) 100 22 40 35 7 25 9.00
400W 1/2HP 3-10 (Standard Type) 320 65(148) 130(185) 158(175) 90(165) 12 17.5 60(48) 13(12) 146 168(/) 97.5(3) 114 22 40 35 7 25 11.5
15-90 (Light Duty Type) 320 65(148) 130(185) 158(175) 90(165) 12 17.5 60(48) 13(12) 146 168(/) 97.5(3) 114 22 40 35 7 25 11.5
750W HP / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
3-25 (Light Duty Type) 337 65(148) 130(185) 158(175) 90(165) 12 7.5 60(48) 13(12) 172 168(/) 97.5(3) 126 22 40 35 7 25 13.5

※Tabulation "()" denote vertical box dimension


Unit: mm
Power  Gear Ratio A D E F G H J K M Z S P Q W T
100W 1/8HP 60-200 278 55 170 146 146 12 19.662 50 133 120 22 40 35 7 25
200W 1/41HP 15-90 315 55 170 146 146 12 19.662 50 133 120 22 40 35 7 25
400W 1/2HP 3-10 330 55 170 146 146 12 19.662 50 167 135 22 40 35 7 25

※Tabulation "()" denote vertical box dimension


Unit: mm
Power  Gear Ratio A D E F G H J K L M X Y Z S P Q W T Weight
100W 1/8HP 250-1800 (1# 3#) (Standard Type) 376 90(170) 140(220) 178(205) 120(195) 12 39 68(58) 17(13) 130.5 184(/) 116(3) 100 28 45 40 7 31.1 14.5
  / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
200W 1/4HP 100-200 (Standard Type) 339 90(170) 140(220) 178(205) 120(195) 12 23 68(58) 17(13) 130.5 184(/) 116(3) 100 28 45 40 7 31.1 9.00
250-1800 (1# 3#) (Light Duty Type) 401 90(170) 140(220) 178(205) 120(195) 12 39 68(58) 17(13) 130.5 184(/) 116(3) 100 28 45 40 7 31.1 18.0
400W 1/2HP 15-90 (Standard Type) 352 90(170) 140(220) 178(205) 120(195) 12 23 68(58) 17(13) 146 184(/) 116(3) 114 28 45 40 7 31.1 14.0
100-200 (Light Duty Type) 352 90(170) 140(220) 178(205) 120(195) 12 23 68(58) 17(13) 146 184(/) 116(3) 114 28 45 40 7 31.1 14.0
750W 1HP 3-25 (Standard Type) 367 90(170) 140(220) 178(205) 120(195) 12 23 68(58) 17(13) 172 184(/) 116(3) 126 28 45 40 7 31.1 16.0
30-120 (Light Duty Type) 367 90(170) 140(220) 178(205) 120(195) 12 23 68(58) 17(13) 172 184(/) 116(3) 126 28 45 40 7 31.1 16.0
500W 2HP / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
3-30 (Light Duty Type) 413 90(170) 140(220) 178(205) 120(195) 12 23 68(58) 17(13) 192 193(/) 116(3) 137 28 45 40 7 31.1 25.0

※Tabulation "()" denote vertical box dimension


Unit: mm
Power  Gear Ratio A D E F G H J K L M X Y Z S P Q W T Weight
200W 1/4HP 250-1800 (2# 4#) (Standard Type) 456 30(185) 170(255) 210(239) 165(216) 13 47.5 70(66.5) 18(13) 130.5 216(/) 138.5(3) 100 32 55 50 10 35.5 28.0
Light Duty Type / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
400W 1/2HP 100-200 (Standard Type) 396 30(185) 170(255) 210(239) 165(216) 13 30.0 70(66.5) 18(13) 146 216(/) 138.5(3) 114 32 55 50 10 35.5 27.0
250-1800 (2# 4#) (Light Duty Type) 469 30(185) 170(255) 210(239) 165(216) 13 47.5 70(66.5) 18(13) 146 216(/) 138.5(3) 114 32 55 50 10 35.5 30.0
750W HP 30-120 (Standard Type) 405 30(185) 170(255) 210(239) 165(216) 13 30.0 70(66.5) 18(13) 172 216(/) 138.5(3) 126 32 55 50 10 35.5 28.0
125-200 (Light Duty Type) 405 30(185) 170(255) 210(239) 165(216) 13 30.0 70(66.5) 18(13) 172 216(/) 138.5(3) 126 32 55 50 10 35.5 28.0
500W 2HP 3-30 (Standard Type) 448 30(185) 170(255) 210(239) 165(216) 13 30.0 70(66.5) 18(13) 192 216(/) 138.5(3) 137 32 55 50 10 35.5 36.0
40-100 (Light Duty Type) 448 30(185) 170(255) 210(239) 165(216) 13 30.0 70(66.5) 18(13) 192 216(/) 138.5(3) 137 32 55 50 10 35.5 36.0

※Tabulation "()" denote vertical box dimension


Unit: mm
Power  Gear Ratio A D E F G H J K L M X Y Z S P Q W T Weight
400W 1/2HP 250-1800 (3# 5#) (Standard Type) 539 50(230 210(310) 265(277) 203(255) 15 59 83 20(18) 146 255(/) 160(5) 114 40 65 60 10 43.5 46.0
Light Duty Type / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
750W 1HP 125-200 (Standard Type) 455 50(230 210(310) 265(277) 203(255) 15 36 83 20(18) 172 255(/) 160(5) 126 40 65 60 10 43.5 42.5
250-1800 (3# 5#) (Light Duty Type) 555 50(230 210(310) 265(277) 203(255 15 59 83 20(18) 172 255(/) 160(5) 126 40 65 60 10 43.5 50.0
500W 2HP 40-100 (Standard Type) 498 50(230 210(310) 265(277) 203(255) 15 36 83 20(18) 192 255(/) 160(5) 137 40 65 60 10 43.5 52.0
110-150 (Light Duty Type) 498 50(230 210(310) 265(277) 203(255) 15 36 83 20(18) 192 255(/) 160(5) 137 40 65 60 10 43.5 52.0
2200W 3HP 3-40 (Standard Type) 518 50(230 210(310) 265(277) 203(255) 15 36 83 20(18) 192 255(/) 160(5) 137 40 65 60 10 43.5 58.0
45-80 (Light Duty Type) 518 50(230 210(310) 265(277) 203(255) 15 36 83 20(18) 192 255(/) 160(5) 137 40 65 60 10 43.5 58.0
3700W 5HP 3-10 (Standard Type) 548 50(230 210(310) 265(277) 203(255) 15 36 83 20(18) 213 255(/) 160(5) 160 40 65 60 10 43.5 62.0
15-60 (Light Duty Type) 548 50(230 210(310) 265(277) 203(255) 15 36 83 20(18) 213 255(/) 160(5) 160 40 65 60 10 43.5 62.0

※Tabulation "()" denote vertical box dimension


Unit: mm
Power  Gear Ratio A D E F G H J K L M X Y Z S P Q W T Weight
1500W 2HP 110-180 (Standard Type) 555 70(280) 265(390) 335(367) 238(342) 18 51 97(92) 25 192 312(/) 200(5) 137 50 80 75 14 54 94.0
2200W 3HP 45-100 (Standard Type) 575 170(280) 265(390) 335(367) 238(342) 18 51 97(92) 25 192 312(/) 200(5) 137 50 80 75 14 54 97.0
3700W 5HP 15-60 (Standard Type) 605 170(280) 265(390) 335(367) 238(342) 18 51 97(92) 25 213 312(/) 200(5) 160 50 80 75 14 54 98.0

※Tabulation "()" denote vertical box dimension

  • Woodworking Industry Edge banding machines, gluing machines for woodworking applications.
  • Textile Industry Cloth inspecting machines (specialized equipment for pre-production fabric inspection in garment manufacturing), plastic weaving machines, printing machines, coating machines, dyeing machines, washing machines.
  • Packaging Industry Carton gluing machines.
  • Printing Industry Industrial printers.
  • Food Industry Ice cream makers, meat grinders, ice crushers, ice makers.
  • Intralogistics Conveyor systems for logistics and warehouse storage.
  • Livestock Industry Manure removal systems, pig farming equipment, broiler chicken systems, feeding systems.
  • Battery Manufacturing Kiln conveyor systems for anode and cathode materials.

Other Applications
  • Security Systems Large-scale security inspection machines.
  • Industrial Maintenance Chip removers (devices for collecting and transporting material, used with machining centers).
  • Recreational Equipment Electric swimming pool covers (motorized covers enabling automatic opening and closing).
  • Refrigeration Systems Condensers and evaporators.

Electric Swimming Pool Cover

An electric swimming pool cover is a kind of swimming pool cover that can be controlled electrically and automatically opened and closed by a motor drive.

Established in 1998, Zhongda has grown to become a leading high-tech enterprise in China that combines research, manufacturing, sales, and services in the sector of motor drives, micro motors, precision reducers, and integrated intelligent units. With a registered capital of 104 million Yuan, we have expanded to nine subsidiaries, employing over 1,800 dedicated individuals. In August 2017, we proudly made our mark on the main board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange under the stock code: 002896.

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